Green Party conference - Grand Priory of Italy

The XXII annual Green Party conference, "The World to Come", took place on Saturday, July 6, at Villa Capalbo-Poli in Rome.

The event was attended by His Eminence Cardinal Gerard Müller, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The Grand Prior of Italy, H.E. GCLJ Gen Basilio Viola, also attended, with some members of the Grand Priory of Italy.

During the evening, H. E. the Grand Prior met and spoke with His Eminence Cardinal Gerard Müller and The Most Rev. Giuseppe Sciacca, current Secretary of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. He explained the structure of the Grand Priory of Italy, the activities it carries out and how the Order spread throughout the world.

The Grand Prior then presented them with a copy of the publication on the history of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus, which he had personally written.

In the final greetings, His Eminence Cardinal Gerard Müller and The Most Rev.  Giuseppe Sciacca expressed their appreciation for the work and commitment of the members of the Grand Priory of Italy in favour of the weak, the sick and the defenceless.