Donation to support the refurbishment project of Saint Louis Hospice in Jerusalem

The Order has donated the sum of Eur 24,000 from the Grand Hospitaller's Flagship Project Fund supplemented by dedicated donations made by some individual jurisdictions. The donation is necessary in order to support the very essential refurbishment project being undertaken by the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition in Saint Louis Hospital situated just outside the old walls of Jerusalem. The Saint Louis Hospital in Jerusalem, built in the mid-19th century, provides end-of-life care to those in need irrespective of religious beliefs in a country that is so divided by religious strife and serves as a beacon of unbiased Christian Charity. Further support has been given to the project directly by other jurisdictions bringing the support total to about Eur  94,000. The Order had in 2014-2016 supported the refurbishment project of the hospital's kitchen and a bronze plaque was set up outside the building identifying the site as originally hosting the Crusader Leprosarium. Any jurisdiction wishing to support the project can do so by making donations either directly to the institution or via the vice-chancellor of the Order. Those interested can contact the Grand Hospitaller for instructions at grandhospitaller.mhoslj [at]

The Jerusalem St. Louis Hospice is located in the exact spot where the order's first 12th century Crusader leprosarium convent was located. An anonymous Work of Geography written around 1128-1137 makes a direct reference to 'a dwelling of lepers' 'beyond the walls of Jerusalem between the Tower of Tancred and the Gate of St. Stephen'. The exact location is further depicted on a 1130s contemporary plan of Jerusalem which depicts the e sec Lazari in the northwestern point outside the walls of the city between Tancred's Tower [modern day Jaffa Gate] and St Stephen's Gate [modern day Damascus Gate]. It is named after one of the Order's early royal supporters - King Saint Louis IX of France who eventually donated the  Château of Boigny to the Order in France. 

Click here to download a more detailed paper about the history of the St Louis Hospital and to read more about the current renovation plans.